Each magazine made is aimed at a different audience. The design of the cover of a magazine is crucial in portraying the audience it is aimed at and the font colours and images help represent the ideology of the genre. Ideology is the set beliefs a person/ groups have and different genres have different ideologies.
Pop music is usually a very positive representation, because most pop magazines use bright colours and pictures. The front cover is less cluttered than a rock magazine and the music within the magazine has a limited sexual reference. There isn't as much swearing in the music either and this shows in the music starts face when there on the front cover. They always seem to be happy and smiling so it is a positive connotation. Pop stars are usually seen as attractive so on the front cover they do look dolled up, however people find them as role models and look up to them so people like Jessie J try to be a good influence.
Rock and Hip Hop music magazines tend to have a negative connotation and show violence or aggression, maybe even both. The front cover is always in a very dark colour, and they sometimes have a lot going on but some front covers are quite empty scaring the reader a bit. Also, rock and hip hop stars can be very violent and people see that in some of there music that they can be very rude and potentially offend certain people. Overall, not many young people look up to these sorts of stars as they don't have the qualities of a role model.
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